World Dental Show 2019 Mumbai HANDS ON 3D ENDODONTICS

World dental Show Mumbai 2019  MMRDA grounds BKC Mumbai.

 Hands on course on 3D Endodontics by Dr Suresh Shenvi.
On the third and last day of the event  Sunday 20th october 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon session more than 15 + participants including fresh dental graduates and  practicing Dental professional across asia especially bangladesh have attended a superb lecture, Fantastic demo and awesome hands-on course on endodontics guided by Dr. Suresh shenvi MDS . The following points were highlighted by the speaker for the long term success of a root canal procedure -
1. whatever may be the extent of dental caries in the proximal contacts the pre Endo built up holds a vital role in the outcome of the root canal including irrigation within closed  chamber
2.almost 90% of the practicing dental professionals always think of a working length of a root canal while performing root canal procedures and less think of working width of the canals.
3. while diagnosing a case of tooth with a sinus, the level of sinus opening can be checked in order to diagnose the problem  marginal gingiva ,if at  attached gingiva it can be due to periodontol reason and when the Sinus level is at mucogingival junction it can be a combined Endo perio lesion
4. When came across a fractured tooth we should never jump to advise extraction particular tooth instead the drilling of the fractured Crown can determine the line of the fracture whether it is up to the furcation or only upto the pulp chamber .If it is upto only pulp chamber RCT can be done to give an opportunity to the patient to save the tooth.
5. the patient complaining of severe pain should never be offered a treatment of single sitting RCT a patient with a mild to moderate pain with no radiographic periapical lesion can be performed a single sitting RCT in some cases .
6.the most of the practicing individual find it is good to operate Canal with a Calcium Hydroxide dressing but still it is an irritant and can be harmful in some cases .
7 when thinking of calcium hydroxide material dressing a water based material must be chosen over a oil based material also tips to  dispense can easily and effectively obturate canals  properly with calcium hydroxide.
 8.The pain control techniques are always lead to the success of endodontic treatment from the patient point of view
9. the use of antibiotics must be restricted to overcome the problem of antibiotic resistance
10. Pulp when injected with a pressure always breaks down and the solution with which  it is  injected may be normal saline or local anaesthesia does a very small role.
11. minimally invasive approach while treating a tooth can  be truss access in which a transverse Ridge is not removed.
12. over shaping into the middle third area of the canal  can lead to the fracture of the tooth
13. the ideal strategy to use RVG should include x ray with DC connection over x-ray with AC connection
14.the chlorhexidine in cases of retreatments  with sodium hypochloride alternatively  is good option Also a normal saline can be included
15 . the manual dynamic irrigation. Putting after  Cutting  the tip of the last GP selected  and Canal filled with EDTA and sodium hypochlorite
16. in cases of extreme curve of the root canal the technique which is used is TCA - that is unlike routine procedures when the rotating file must enter the canal while it is in the motion to reach the apex while in the TCA  special technique first the file is reached at Apex without any motion and once it is it has reached the Apex then it is moved and  rotated from Apex to coronal region
17 use of paper points in order to block a canal  which is prepared at time of preparing other canals is advised to avoid blocking with debris
18. Apical plug must be created using a plugger during obturation.
