World dental show 2019 Mumbai

The world dental show in the year 2019 was organised at MMRDA Grounds Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai .  The show was inaugurated on the 18th October 2019 Friday by the respected committee members of the organisation  and was continued  to the second and third day on the 19 saturday and 20 October  sunday .The show provided a great opportunity to learn new dental skills for fresh dental graduates on the topic of 3D Endodontics ,CPR, composites and much more. Workshops, lectures  , hands on courses and the dental products in the trade fair proved a treat for every visitor on the floor,  where  various offers and discounts were put forth . The most exciting part was that almost more than 90% of the activities where at no cost including accredited CDE points  for the lectures.

The series of lectures  was arranged on the all the three days of the show  on the different topics of the dentistry for example lecture on the dental implants, oral radiology, pedodontic treatment etc.Dr. Massad a  keynote speaker on the topic of management protocols for the different scenarios in dental implants   received a huge amount of response from visitors. The management protocol for implants lecture was presented by doctor  and it's relation to basic oral hygiene methods . The reasons for the failure of dental implants and how to prevent them using basic oral hygiene methods where excellently put forward by the speaker. The new concept like space of DONDER  while replacing the whole set of teeth and its implication on the quality of voice of the patient was introduced. oral hygiene methods before and after dental implant surgery makes a huge impact on the long-term success of the dental implants was stressed.  The complications after implant placement always starts with mucosal irritation around dental implants also called as mucositis that is mucosal inflammation around dental implants and that occurs due to improper oral hygiene methods after surgery and lead to Peri implantitis. A stitch  in time saves the nine was the conclusion for the lecture. The speaker was awarded the certificate of appreciation from the Indian Dental Association and World dental show.

Secondly the topic of Endo mechanics was touched by the doctor unmesh Khanvilkar highlighting the need of advancements in endodontic treatment now includes minimally invasive endodontic treatment. The use of ultrasonic endodontic tips wherever  needful was excellently taught . The difference which is made by the magnification during endodontic treatment was also explained and the lecture ended with a tagline that we should allow our minds to open new worlds of dentistry so that we as a practising dentists are always on the upper hand . The efforts of all committee members proved the World Dental Show 2019 Mumbai a huge huge success.

The certificate of participation to all visitors were sent via email . So never miss such a world class dental exhibition in future . 
