On 22 December 2019 CDE programme was organised by Indian Dental Association Akola branch at Hotel Central plaza ,akola .Dr.Yogesh Sahu, President Dr. Abhishek Tidke Honorary secretary  Dr.Tushar Vora president elect.  Dr. Sachin Wankhade ,CDE Conveyer  Guest speakers  Dr. Sagar Abhichandani, Dr Abhijeet Wankhade were present on the dice .  The inaugural ceremony was  performed with deep prajwalan  and saraswati Pujan by respected dignitaries .
Dr.Ansari at presentation desk welcomed guests to the session and respected dignitaries were welcomed with a flower bouquet by senior Ida akola members.
  The dental student Miss Alisha Taufique Usmaan  who have achieved a sparkling success in the university dental exams was felicitated by Dr Tushar Vora and wished a bright professional to her in future . She has achieved highest marks in the subject of oral and maxillofacial surgery of final year dental university exams. She also received awards like proactive student ,PTH as she secured 80 % in her  final dental exams.
The proceedings were performed with a   presentation  by Dr sagar abhichandani on the topic of trips and tricks in predictability of success of dental implants in the 1st lecture in the morning session  and  2nd lecture in the afternoon session  was given by Dr abhijit wankhade on the topic of Rotary endodontics in the pediatric dentistry .
Before that Presidential speech was delivered by Dr yogesh sahu who expressed his thanks towards support of  members of the association present on the occasion ,   Indian Dental Association Akola being a  forefront in enhancing the clinical skills and knowledge of the dental professionals across the city . The chairpersons for the first lecture were senior members  Dr Chandrani and Dr khoriya , while chairperson for the second lecture were Dr datir .
As proposed by Dr  Sagar abhichandani the success in the dental implants means a long-term success after treatment for  atleast 10 yrs  . He suggested that a dental treatment is a linear process with a start  and an end, the sequence of treatment plan can vary according to patient but sequence of  treatment planning   can't . The real concern while doing implant surgery or any other dental procedure  starts from the diagnosis and treatment planning.   Dental implants should  not be advised within 5 minute consultation but must involve a thorough diagnostic check up . Consultation which  start and end within 5 minute   with a advise could not work at any cost . Discussion with the patient for the diagnosis and treatment planning or precisely the provisional diagnosis must be correlated   with investigations required in order to achieve a detailed report of each case .Like other factors in dental implants articulation is a important factor in the success of dental implant . articulation   has two components static articulation component and dynamic articulation component.   both articulating components determine the occlusion in natural dentition must be remembered .Out of all cases of  the dental  implants cases of  abutment screw loosening is the most common cause of  failure of  dental implants and the reason behind dental implant failure  it is improper occlusion or articulation. after implant placement some  percent of the implants fail due to peri-implantitis and which is due to the amount  of residual cement in gingival area .  All aspects of dental implant like emergence profile or submergence profile , flap advancement etc were highlighted in a interesting and huge informative way  by the expert.
The second lecture by Dr abhijit wankhade explained basic things which need to followed while doing paediatric patients like local anesthesia which has to be  2 %  lignocaine with adrenalin 1:100000 , needle gauge of 30 which is quite painless to use . The basic rule to follow in administration of local anesthesia in pediatric patients is that  a use of nerve block and infiltration ,both in case of tooth 6, 7 and E while rest of teeth can be numbed with infiltration only . The importance of weighing peadiatric patients to ensure the dose of prescribes drug correctly was noted. Others points related to topic of pulp capping in permanent and temporary teeth were aslo discussed and difference between them is the use of Calcium hydroxide in case of permanent teeth and use of MTA in cases of temporary teeth .
The vote of thanks was delivered by DR ABHISHEK TIDKE honorary secretary . The session was followed by dinner and cultural events like fashion show , fun games, Dj and couple dance . The programme received a huge response from all of  the members of the association.


Photo credits - indian dental association akola vidarbha branch 
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