Google ads and your dental practice

Google ads and your dental practice.  In the previous book ' google and  your dental practice '  we learnt on creating a digital  identity of your dental practice on Google Map . If  this marked Google Map Location can help you in online advertising, isn't it that  great ?   But to do so creating just a Google map location is not enough but updating the Google map location with a digital content of your dental practice is important. We see many  dental clinics exist on Google Map just for the sake of name and nothing else . They are not updated at all .Someone or yourself in the past have marked Google map location of your dental practice out of curiosity and that look how it was ended . But still you may see other marked Google map locations of dental  clinics that  are there with much interesting content useful to dental patients.  Maybe the images ,videos, links, timing ,services appointments , payment methods etc.Smartphone internet users tend to interact more if there is different type of content with it and probably it is that thing which will decide whether they will  go for it or not . In a particular dental practice all this depends upon updated Google Map Location. After a Google my business account verification you need to work on  your  Google my business. Google my business  asks various details about you like when is your dental practice  open ? When it is closed ?   How your dental practice looks on photos ?  photos are of  different categories like photos at work , interior photos, exterior photos or  additional photos, short videos and services you offer . If it is filled correctly the chances of successful online advertising are higher because as  it is fun to visit a place which is  developed than to visit undeveloped place . You will be quite eager to visit a flower garden which is well maintained manier  times but you are not ready to revisit a barren land with no trees flowers . So is with your potential dental patients ,they will visit your marked Google Map Location more often if you provide them something to interact ,something to watch ,something to read ,something to learn ,something to share. So after updating all this information about your dental practice you can now go for Google ads confidently.  Once you login to Google ads account with the same gmail address, you are now open to start ad  campaign of your own . The ad campaign must have a title which is closely related to the keywords more often used by smartphone internet isers for the dental businesses title like dentist near me, root canal treatment, top dentist, experienced dentist or  specific dental specialities like pedodontist ,prosthodontist ,endodontist,wisdom  tooth surgery, teeth whitening etc. Any smartphone user who goes for this words or related words there are chances of ranking  your dental practice higher or lower
. Like there are about 30 dental clinics in the region of your dental practice some are 10 years old , some are 3 years old and some are just one year old . Suppose all are marked   on Google Map so how will be the ranking ?  Someone  who have marked their dental practice earlier will  have chance to rank higher than others who have not marked or marked but lately  than someone. So don't waste your time for marking your Google map location of dental practice. Assume that out of 30 clinics only 20 are marked on Google Map Location but smartphone user wants to see all 20 Clinic at a single page but due to the enormous data on the internet expanding tremendously day by day  Google search results will show only top three to five of them and the rest will be hidden. Unless and until a smartphone user wants to know more and provided smartphone user has a time to click and want to know more he will go on clicking to see more .  If not he will choose either of the top  displayed.So if you are lucky enough user will see your Google map location after  second click.  But just think on the other side of it . Isn't it  great that if your dental practice is at the top or first position ? Even if smartphone internet user wants or not  user will only see and click the topmost  displayed Google map location of the dental practices. Obviously google ads  will help you to   run higher your dental practice,  whether you run a 15 year old dental practice or just one year old dental practice You can be on  top of the business on the Google advertising platform . Simple to go with Google ads .

So the important questions are how much do you need to spend for online advertising like Google ads  ? Are the print ads  more worth than online ads ? Is it possible to control your expenses on online advertising on your own  ?  The most important feature of Google ad is that you can control your daily budget of the ad campaign and eventually monthly budget completely .Ad campaign is set on daily budget of hundred rupees add will run until 100 rupees limit is finished. Once your daily budget limit is crossed your ad will automatically pause and will start on your second day and so on . Total money of rupees 1000 in your Google ad account , your ad will surely run up to 10 days  with the daily limit of hundred rupees . So if you want to stretch it at any point of time you can change your daily budget at less money say it  80 rupees per day and the ad will run for longer time . You can set your daily as well as monthly budget for Google ads . print ads are outdated , expensive  and less exposed than smartphone online ads.  Google ads title,  daily budget is set now it's time to add some points within the ad format .  Ad title includes your business name and your name  or  the name of the treatment you want to highlight . It also depends upon your goal of advertising . If you wish to  drive users to your physical location google ad format can show your Google Map Location , if you want to get  enquiries or calls at your dental office it can display your map location  accordingly  or if you want to share your YouTube video links, Facebook page links or blogpage links it can be also placed within the Google ad format . Also google ad  help increase traffic to your websites and other social media links

The Google ad campaign records various aspects of ad campaign like how many smartphone users or how many desktop users are seeing your Google ad ? Which browsers they are using Chrome or Opera or  Linux ?  Different timings in a day are recorded to get high time when maximum users have seen or clicked on  your Google ads. This data also helps us to improve our ad campaign . There is another setting which can help to show your Google ads on specific day or timing like if you want your Google ad to be displayed on regular days and not on weekends you can set it that way  or if you want your Google ads to be displayed on weekends but not on the weekdays you can set it as well .If you prefer office timings to show your Google ads set it that way or you can skip the office hours also . This is  of great importance from the financial point of view ,because it's lessen  unnecessary clicking and less potential leads are avoided . Google ads set  on Google  are also shown on the YouTube channels if same keywords are searched like  about dental videos or related keywords that match your ad campaign or business , isn't that sounds in interesting ?  To run your Google ad in the region to and  rank higher than the others this   is the best time to take on Google ads .
