Tom and Dad- short bedtime story for kids

Hi i am tom . I am 10 years old . I live in a small town with my family . My mom is a houswife and my dad works in a   shop . My dad has very bright and white teeth  My dad loves brushing his teeth . I always wanted to have my teeth like him . 

 Once I asked him ," Dad what is the secret of your teeth ? " . He said ," It's a secret and if you want your teeth like mine whiter and brighter you have to wait till sunday . okay ? " I said, " Sure dad i will wait ". Dad said ," Its gonna be fun ,but dont let your mom aware of our secret . We will give her a surprise ". I said ," Wow that sounds cool . I am ready ". 

My mom always tells me to brush teeth properly but i don’t know what she exactly means . Because I brush my teeth daily in the morning before going to the school . But I think that is not enough . On sunday my mom prepared our breakfast . I had biscuits and milk in my breakfast . I love milk and biscuits . My mom says milk will make me stronger like superman . We finished  our breakfast and we were ready to go . My mom asked me , " Where  are you   going today ? ". But as promised to dad I said , " Just going out for a walk . Thats it ". Me and my dad smiled at each other and we were on the road.

 I asked my dad , " Where are we going dad ? I   can’t wait anymore , just tell me first " . My dad said , " Look Tom , even I brush my teeth regularly at home still I need to visit a dental clinic and a dentist every six months . Dentist help us to clean  our teeth more correctly and keeps our teeth brighter and whiter . So we were going to visit a dentist today"  . I said , " Dad , I hope this will be fun ". Dad said , " Yes sure my boy " .

 Dad and me were on the way to visit our dentist . We reached at the dental clinic around 10 am in the morning . The dental clinic was so awesome that it had toys to play , comics to read and a tv to watch cartoons . I was very happy in the dental clinic . The dentist's cabin - as soon as we entered dental clinic I saw Mrs . Wilson who lives near our house  at the dental clinic . She was working there as a dental nurse . She smiled at me and she gave  me a smiley  badge and said " Here is a gift for you ". I said , " Thank you, Mrs. Wilson ". There was something written on the badge it said I am a brave boy .

 After 5 minutes Mrs.Wilson took both of us into the dentist's cabin . I was super excited to meet my dentist finally . As soon as we entered the dentist's cabin a man with a white apron was seating near a chair. The chair was totally different than others. I haven't seen such a chair in my whole life and that was the dental chair . I wanted to seat on that chair for once . I was wondering how it feels to seat on that super awesome dental chair . I wished if my school classroom had chairs like these wouldn't that be great ? 

 While I was thinking stuff like this my dad said hello to the dentist . Dentist said ," Hello sir , how may I help you today ? " . My dad said ," He is my son Tom . He wants to know the secret of whiter and brighter teeth .So I brought him here ". Dentist said ," Okay then . Tom this is your first dental visit .Hope you are not scared about anything here . Hey you have got your good boy badge also ". 

As he talked he waved his hand to me to come closer and seat on dental chair. I sat on dental chair .Dentist said ," Let's start first with your teeth . Please open your mouth wide . And let me see how it's there going Iinside your mouth ? ". Dentist also moved his dental chair up and down just like magic . I was enjoying it like riding see saw. Then dentist put on a light onto my teeth and said , " Tom here is a special light for you . Under this light the germs inside your mouth can't hide and I can see them better" . Then dentist took a wand like thing and put it into my mouth. He said," this magical wand  will make germs bigger in size so they can't hide into small places between your teeth anymore". Actually that magical wand had a small mirror at its one end. With that dentist checked my all teeth one by one. 

After checking my teeth dentist told my dad that I was having no dental cavities and that was good ". I said to him ," My mom and me brush our teeth every morning ". He said ," Very good Tom. But something yellow coloured is stuck between your teeth . Which made your teeth look yellower not whiter . But just as you clean your old dirty body by taking a everyday shower bath I am going to clean your teeth with a shower " .  I said ," Okay , will my teeth be whiter and brighter like my dad's teeth ? ". He said ," Sure Tom ". 

Then he cleaned my teeth with his water shower . Now my teeth were bright and shiny . I looked at my dad and I said ," This will be a surprise for mom . Isn't it dad ? ". Dad said ," Yes , mom will be very happy to see your teeth like this ". I said thank you to my dentist friend for cleaning my teeth and I promised him to clean my teeth two times daily , in the morning before going to school and in the night before going to sleep .  I also promised him to visit him again after every 6 months.  

At home when mom saw my  shiny teeth smiling she said ," well done my boy ".  And we were all happy with our whiter , brighter teeth  .

Dr.mohan muthal

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