Tom in the jungle

Hi I am Tom. I am 10 years old. I live in a small town with my mom and dad . My mom is a housewife and my dad works in office.  Last month our school had night out camp in the jungle .Our class teacher told every student ," We are having a night out camp in the jungle and each student must get a permission from parents for that , ok  ?". When  I asked my dad  about the jungle camp ,  he said ," Yes you can go but you promise me you will take care of yourself my son ".  I said ," I will take care dad ,thank you.  I love you dad " . My mom said  ," Yes you can go and I will prepare your tiffin and your backpack for  night out . Be careful at jungle .Don't touch anything strange there and never leave others stay in  the group together ". So I was super excited.  On the night of the Jungle Camp dad and mom took me to the school . A school bus was waiting for the students to come . My dad met my class teacher . My dad said  ," Hi teacher ". Teacher said ," Hello sir . Don't worry I will be taking care of all the students and it will be a safe .We will back home tomorrow morning ".  Dad said ," Sure teacher , thank you very much ". So before leaving teacher told us ,"  Attention students you should always check your backpack before leaving. You should not  forgot take your torch ,battery, your tiffin, a Matchbox , bedsheet with you . Remember do not take any video game or music player  with you and also do not take any  scent or perfume  with you ".  After checking  we were going  towards the jungle . While we are on the bus some students were singing song while some students while reading comics while some were just watching the jungle from the window .  I asked my teacher ,"  Teacher when we will be there in the Jungle  ?". Teacher said ,"  We will be  there within 30 minutes. Our school staff is already arranged our tents there to sleep".  While on the bus  I asked   teacher ," Teacher you told not to take  electronic devices or music player with us . But why ? ".  Teacher said ,"  Look Tom ,the Jungle is a home for wild animals  like you have your home and if  someone or your elder brother makes a noise with a high volume on TV . It will be disturbing to you . We cannot disturb wild animals there in their home ".  When we reached at our night out place students  gathered around teacher . Teacher counted them according to roll number  . Teacher said ,"  Students you are all now  divided into group of 3 students and remember never leave your group ". So Jungle was looking very beautiful in the night . The sky was looking very awesome with the shining bright stars and the cool breeze of air coming and touching our body , I have not felt  that kind of breeze in our town . After some time  teacher said ," Come on  students , let's have our  tiffin ". Then we finished our tiffin  and we were  about to brush our teethTeacher said ,"  So now you should brush your teeth before going to sleep ".  I found that I could not find my toothbrush and toothpaste.  I told my teacher ," Sir I can't find my toothpaste . I think  I  have lost it ". Teacher said ," Don't worry Tom . You must brush your teeth before going to sleep but before that I will tell you all a story of tooth brushing ". All students gathered  around teacher in a circle . Teacher started telling a story  , " Long time ago when people like us were not having a home,  town , shops and  we  lived in the jungle . No TV ,video games and no school .  At that time also people were brushing their teeth .Some people in the past time were brushing their teeth with  toothbrush made of gold.  Some people in jungle brushed  their teeth with wooden sticks . Do you know about that ?". Robin my best friend  said  ," Yes teacher . Wooden sticks were called daatun ".  Teacher said ,"  Very good Robin .  Small branches of medicinal tree neem can be used as daatun . It has a good effect on  teeth and gums ,  isn't that great students ? ". We said ,"  Yes sir ".  Then teacher gave me a daatun from his bag . I brushed my teeth with daatun for the first time . After brushing we all went to the sleep .   Next  morning  after enjoying a night out camp in the jungle we were going back home .
